DC Semester Program Behavior Agreement DC Semester Program Behavior Agreement Student Responsibility: I understand that as a participant in the D.C. Semester Program, I will be viewed as a representative of William & Mary. I affirm that I will not behave in a manner that would reflect poorly on my institution.Academic Responsibility: I understand that I am responsible for attendance at all classes and scheduled activities and that I am responsible for maintaining the mandatory minimum amount of credits in order to be considered a full-time student. I also understand that W&M academic regulations and procedures will apply to me while I am enrolled in this program.Personal Conduct: I understand that as a resident in Washington, D.C., I shall be subject to the laws and municipal regulations of the District of Columbia, and the disciplinary rules and regulations of the residential program with which I am residing. I also agree to the following stipulations: While enrolled in and attending the DC Semester Program, I understand that I am considered a William & Mary student. I am expected to abide by: The rules and regulations set forth in the William & Mary Student Handbook, including the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. All instructions presented by university faculty and administrators, whether written or verbal. The rules and regulations of William & Mary-sponsored housing facilities. All DC Semester Program rules and policies as covered in our Orientation sessions. Failure to comply with the conduct restrictions enumerated may result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary action will be conducted under modified procedures whereby: The Program Manager of the DC Semester Program may act as the Director of Student Conduct for purposes of receiving and initially processing allegations, and may also him or herself take action on misconduct observed or believed to have occurred; All matters shall be handled through informal resolution with the DC Semester Program Program Manager acting as Case Administrator, except that the Manager cannot impose a sanction of permanent dismissal or suspension from the university; and If the sanction to be imposed requires a formal hearing on campus, or one is deemed necessary by the university, the student will be responsible for all travel arrangements to and from Williamsburg. The cost of transportation to and from campus will also be the responsibility of the student. The university reserves the right to dismiss any participant from the program for reasons of unacceptable behavior. Such dismissal will be without refund of the program fee or housing costs. (You may be eligible for a prorated refund of the campus tuition/fees in accordance with the university policies outlined in the Course Catalogue.) Any additional expenses incurred for return transportation will be the responsibility of the student. Name* First Last Signature*Date* Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY