DCSI Mid-Summer Assessment

  • William & Mary’s DC Summer Institutes allow students to earn academic credit for the work they complete in association with their summer internships. We ask that you take a few moments to complete the following evaluation so that we may more formally evaluate the student’s performance during their internship experience. Once complete, you will be asked to schedule a phone call with your intern and the program staff to discuss the assessment.

    Please note: this information WILL BE SHARED WITH YOUR INTERN and you and your intern will need to be on the call TOGETHER.

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to evaluate this student.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Erin Battle, Interim Associate Director, at 202-836-8607 or via email at eebattle@wm.edu.

  • Please circle the number that best represents your intern’s performance in each area to date.

    (1= Needs improvement, 3= Satisfactory, 5= Exceeds Expectations)

  • By typing your first and last name here you certify that you have completed this form to the best of your ability and that all of your responses are truthful.