DCSI Acknowledgement Statement

DCSI Acknowledgement Statement

  • I acknowledge that per the College's policy, "No more than six credits in academic internships may be applied to the 120 credits required for graduation."

    • I acknowledge that the DC Summer Institutes Internship class does count as 3 internship credits.
    • I further understand that it is the first 6 internship credits of my William & Mary career that will count towards graduation.
    • If I have earned more than 3 previous internship credits, not all of these 3 will count towards graduation (only the first 6 earned will count).
    • If I earn additional internships credits in the future, the additional credits will only count up until 6 credits have been reached.

    If I have more than 6 internship credits and would like for an exception to be made so that one specific experience (such as this DCSI one) count for the internship credits (rather than simply the first 6), I understand that it is my responsibility to work directly with the Registrar's Office.

  • I acknowledge that as a DCSI fellow I must participate in all three academic courses associated with my institute. There is no "de-coupling" of these academic courses.
  • I acknowledge that the D.C. Summer Institutes has mandatory class and event dates that I must attend:

    • A 1-credit course in the spring semester
    • Two weeks of class (9am-5pm, unless otherwise noted): May 24- June 4, 2021. Class will not be held on Memorial Day, Monday, May 31.
    • Final Symposium: Wednesday, August 11
  • I acknowledge that the internship component of this program requires 30-40 hours of work per week for the 10-week internship duration, beginning June 7 and ending August 13, 2021 (or other program-approved period). This means:

    • July 4th is the only federal holiday given off during this time
    • I will not request additional vacation days off from my internship supervisor or from the program for this summer
    • I may not elect to end my internship early and leave before the August 7 designated end-date.
    • Any and all extenuating circumstances MUST be cleared with Erin Battle well in advance.
  • I acknowledge the following costs for enrolling in DCSI:
    • A program fee:
      • In-State: $3,500
      • Out-of-State: $5,000
    • A $150 spring course fee
    • A non-refundable one-time registration fee of $25
    • A non-refundable one-time comprehensive fee of $55
    • If you choose to live in W&M-sponsored housing, there is an additional non-refundable cost of $4,000
    1. The spring 1-credit course is a required part of the DC Summer Institutes. Students who wish to drop the 1-credit spring class have until the drop deadline on TBD to do so. If students drop by this deadline, the class fee charge will be removed, but students will forfeit their previously paid $1,500 in deposits for DCSI. Students who drop after the TBD deadline will still be responsible for all tuition, fees and housing charges. No refunds will be provided, no charges removed after TBD. TBD is the last day to withdraw from the course.

    2. Students who drop the spring course will be removed from the D.C. Summer Institutes.

    3. Students who wish to drop the two summer courses have until the drop deadlines on TBD (for the two-week course) and TBD (for the 10-week internship course) to do so. If students drop by these deadlines, the tuition charges will be removed, but students will forfeit their previously paid in $1,500 deposits. Students who drop after the TBD deadlines will still be responsible for all tuition and housing charges. No refunds will be provided, no charges removed after TBD. TBD (for the two-week course) and TBD (for the 10-week internship course) is the last day to withdraw from the course.
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY