W&M Final Intern Assessment W&M Final Intern Assessment Internship Supervisor: Your W&M intern is seeking credit for their internship. Please complete this final assessment on their behalf. The intern and professor will see your responses and will reflect upon them in class. Your Name* First Last Your Email* Your Title and Organization*Intern's Name* First Last Intern's Email* Have there been any updates to the role or responsibilities of the intern since the midterm Assessment?*What have been the intern's outstanding highlights? Any low points?*How would you assess the intern's overall performance? Please indicate any significant contributions.*In what areas should the intern continue to learn/grow?*The National Association of Colleges and Employers defines career readiness as "the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace." These competencies are: 1. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving 2. Oral/Written Communications 3. Teamwork/Collaboration 4. Digital Technology 5. Leadership 6. Professionalism/Work Ethic 7. Career Management 8. Global/Intercultural Fluency https://www.naceweb.org/career-readiness/competencies/career-readiness-defined/Would you consider the intern "career ready," as defined by NACE above? Please include any thoughts/comments below.*Additional commentsSignature*Please type your full name here to confirm completion of this form.